Volunteering – We need your help!

We need your help!

The P&C is always in need of volunteers to help out with events or initiatives in the school.

Here are a list of of ongoing things that we need help with. Please email the appropriate contact person if you are interested in helping.

General Volunteering

The P&C requires parent volunteers for a number of events in 2023. If you are available to assist during those times, please contact Wendy Tu via email at miss.wendy.tu@gmail.com.

Primary Ethics Classes

Ethics classes are set to continue in Term 1 with classes in Stages 1 and 2! Ethics classes are held on Wednesday mornings from 9:00-9:30am and help children to think logically, disagree respectfully, support arguments with evidence and think about decisions that affect them and people around them. Ethics classes explore these fundamental issues through reasoned discussion about values and principles.

If you would like to know more about Primary Ethics or would be interested in helping (we also require volunteers in other stages), please contact Anuya at anuya.velpanur@primaryethics.com.au. For more information, visit www.primaryethics.com.au.
