About us

What is the P&C?

The Burwood Public School Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association is a group of volunteers made up of parents, carers and staff from our school community. We meet regularly during the school term to discuss and work on issues concerning the school and community in Burwood. Our mission is to improve the quality of school life for students, parents, carers and staff at BPS.

Public information about our not-for-profit organisation can be found at the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission web site.

Staying in touch

If you would like to be kept in the loop about school life, please sign up for our mailing list.

You can also attend one of the in person meetings at the school. Please check out our calendar for the next meeting.

What do we meet about and do?

We meet every month to discuss issues help improve school life for the students. The school Principal is also part of the meeting and it makes for a great time to raise any questions or issues you might have.

In addition the P&C runs the uniform shop, plans and executes fund raising events, prepares grants, petitions on behalf of the school and finds volunteers to help with these events.

Who can join?

Membership of the Burwood P&C is open to all parents and guardians of pupils attending the school and to all citizens whose primary residence is in the enrolment area of the school.

How can I become a member?

Membership is annual and costs $2 to join. You can pay this in person at a P&C meeting.
